This mission project has been officially named after my precious daughter, Margaret, who was born on June 24, 2011. She had Trisomy 18 and a congenital heart defect that was inoperable. She was with us for just over two hours and then she passed away. If someone had not donated a memory box to the hospital, my family would not have any concrete memories of her.
The memory box has provided my husband and I comfort and has assisted us in the healing process. I started this project as part of the healing process and to honor my daughter’s life by helping others in their time of need.
Margaret's Memories is a standing mission project of the Riverside Park United Methodist Church and makes Bereavement Memory Boxes for parents who lose a child(ren) to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death shortly after birth. The boxes are donated to local hospitals in Jacksonville, Florida.
The Circle of Grace of the United Methodist Women has made this their standing mission project. We will have box making events throughout the year. Since founding Margaret’s Memories, we have provided memory boxes to First Coast families free of charge. This project is close to my heart. In 2011 alone 26,000 women lost children due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death shortly after birth. I am one of those women.
The Riverside Park United Methodist Church is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization and 100% of all donations made go directly to helping families. Margaret's Memories is run by a staff of volunteers and if you would like to assist in this project in any way, your help would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding our organization or the mission project itself, please feel free to contact us. Click here for a First Coast News story about the mission project.
Below is a list of local businesses that continually assist Margaret’s Memories. Thank you for your philanthropic endeavors!
Blue Bamboo
Dennis Chan, master chef and owner of the Blue Bamboo restaurant, assists Margaret’s Memories in many ways. His restaurant has provided gift certificates for silent auctions and provided space in his restaurant to inform our community about our mission, rewarding those who donate with a jar of our homemade jam! Thank you Dennis for all you do for our community.
Clara Faye Photography
Brandea of Clara Faye Photography continually donates her time and talents to take pictures of Margaret’s Memories events. Her company has also donated gift certificates of photography sessions to the past silent auctions. Thank you Brandea for all of your support!
This website is designed and developed by our good friends at PTC Computer Solutions. They provide all of what you see as volunteers to keep us operationsal. Thanks a bunch to them and please contact them directly for all your online marketing needs.
Publix Supermarkets has provided Margaret’s Memories with gift cards to help defray the cost of our spring fundraiser dinners. Their help has allowed us to have successful fundraisers. Thank you Publix for being a local business that gives back!